About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Fashion is a most definitely a passion, however I love to inspire people. I love sharing things I have discovered. From London originally but brought up in Berlin, family in Marrakech and spend most of my life living out of a suitcase. Most people would despise the continuous nomadic behaviour, however I thrive on packing for a new adventure! Stay tuned as I post about 2-3 times a week giving you a taster on my exciting finds!

Wednesday 27 July 2011

WHEN IN RA- The Moma's answer to modern fashion

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's RA!

Living in Antwerp opened my eyes to a far greater world of fashion. Gaga's 'little monsters' really do exist and most of them reside in Antwerp.

I heard about RA from a friend in Berlin and didn't really understand what it was about. However down the most beautiful street in Antwerp, filled with antiques, relics of another time, art and artifacts, fragile pieces and timeless classics, is a store so out of this world, you start to believe in aliens.

RA is a concept store filled with fashion from known to independent designers from all walks of life and corners of every planet. RA leaves no stone unturned, it shows all things bright and beautiful.
Brands such as Richard Nicoll to Gareth Pugh, Antwerp's new faces and art installations.You wonder through a hall way and you enter a space filled with weird and wonderful things.

The store is more like a hub for those who study at the academy and want inspiration for their work. For others it a place where you go to be surprised, and for some it is just another one of those stores with rails of modern fads. However RA is a trend setter's paradise. If you want to be different then this is the place for you.

I am not going to sugar coat pricing, as it is a fact that you are paying well above your average shopping costs however, in RA's case you are not paying for the name, you are paying for the design and a design that no one else will have.

There is also a cafe/ restaurant filled with magazines and bunk-beds! Have a coffee whilst flicking through Vogue on the top bunk surrounded by pillows!

A personal story- I bought a tutu from this store- not just any tutu but a huge, stiff net with a mustard band around the waist. I wore it to a party with a body con black dress and metallic gold brogues. Was the most outlandish, crazy, over the top, beautiful item I have ever worn!

You have got to see this place When in Antwerp!

All things bright and beautiful,
All clothing great and small,
All things wierd and wonderful,
The store RA sells them all. 

For more info see:
Kloosterstraat 13
2000 Antwerp, Belgium

03 292 37 80

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