About Me

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London, United Kingdom
Fashion is a most definitely a passion, however I love to inspire people. I love sharing things I have discovered. From London originally but brought up in Berlin, family in Marrakech and spend most of my life living out of a suitcase. Most people would despise the continuous nomadic behaviour, however I thrive on packing for a new adventure! Stay tuned as I post about 2-3 times a week giving you a taster on my exciting finds!

Friday 9 September 2011

BLK DNM - Your own Personal wardrobe

Effortless styling 

Due to working for a denim brand for a year, I really appreciate good quality and simple fits. I haven't been able to find many brands, who incorporate cutting edge good fits with good pricing. Whilst walking around Soho the other day I walked into a store which defines the word ' Cool'  BLK DNM is a huge industrial looking space which includes simple fabrics into modern outfits. A very muted colour pallet outlines the space of nude, white, black and stone with the occasional bottle green.

If Johnny Cash had a shop this is what it would look like. Industrial, raw and simple.

 It takes items like the jersey T to another level. Stunning leather biker jackets, over sized white shirts, fitted suit jackets with a twist and simple washed denim create a staple wardrobe. I won't lie and tell you everything is for a dime, you are paying Soho prices, however nothing beats quality. A quality which is not really high street and not really high fashion so it meets right in the middle of the price pyramid. When I come to think of it though, for a jersey T shirt from somewhere like American Apparel you are paying at least 20 -25 dollars if not more. In BLK DNM you will pay 50 dollars for a jersey T, but one that doesn't pill, snag or tear after washing it twice.

The styling is that effortless cool trend which any supermodel sports. I had a particular eye on this maxi skirt which has 2 layers and floats as if you are ice skating on a catwalk.

This store is ideal if you are hip, trend focused and want to revamp your wardrobes with staple items.

This is a must visit When in New York

Your own, personal, wardrobe
someone to hear your prayers,
someone who cares

Your own, personal, wardrobe
someone to hear your prayers,
someone who's there

For more info see: 

237 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012

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